Saturday, March 14, 2009

2008 - Afghanistan’s Lost Year

U.S. Army Capt. Jeffrey Dupree scans the ridgeline in the Tangi Valley during clearing operations, Afghanistan, March 7, 2009. Dupree, a fire support officer, is assigned to 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment. Two battalions worked to clear the area of insurgents, weapons and bombs during a three-day operation. DoD photo by Fred W. Baker III


In 2008, Afghanistan went from the “forgotten war,” to a war the U.S. and NATO could very well lose. Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair gave the intel community’s global threat assessment to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday and their read on developments in Afghanistan was gloomy to say the least.

The past year has witnessed a dramatic jump in both the frequency and geographic scope of attacks by the Taliban-led insurgency as it has spread to previously peaceful areas around Kabul and in west Afghanistan. Insurgents are showing greater battlefield skill and more “aggressiveness.”

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My Comment: A sober but accurate assessment of what has happened in Afghanistan this past year.

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