Thursday, March 26, 2009

China Asserts Itself In GPS Turf War

Race: This March 2008 photo shows a satellite for Galileo, Europe’s version of GPS. China plans to launch the first satellite for its own satnav system, Compass 2, in June. (Maartje Blijdenstein/AFP/Newscom/File)

From Christian Science Monitor:

It plans to use the same signal frequency for its version of GPS that Europe had carved out. The overlap could block Europe from using its satellites for security reasons.

At the European Union’s embassy in Beijing, a recently built extension bears the name “Galileo.” It celebrates one of Europe’s most high-profile and symbolic partnerships with China, but it might soon have to be rechristened.

China’s membership of “Galileo,” the European-led version of America’s Global Positioning System (GPS), has soured to the point where the two sides are locked in a dispute over radio frequencies, as China races ahead with its own network of satellites.

Read more ....

My Comment: I had to read this story twice .... I was laughing too much. Typical of the disorganized and naivety of the Europeans. They went to bed with the enemy .... and like all Johns who go to the bed with a prostitute, they realize that the cost to get rid of her will probably cost them more than what they had expected.

Sigh .... this is so typical of today's Europe. They want to embrace the world without realizing that the world hates them, and that they have their own agenda on what they want.

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