From Yahoo News/AP:
BEIJING – China responded sharply Tuesday to Washington's accusations over a confrontation at sea, an incident that analysts said could become more common as Beijing strengthens its navy and asserts claims to adjacent waters.
The U.S. accused Chinese ships of surrounding and harassing its Navy vessel in international waters, coming within 25 feet (8 meters) of the USNS Impeccable, stopping dead in front of it and strewing debris in its path. Some of the Chinese crew even stripped to their underwear after a blast by U.S. fire hoses.
Read more ....
My Comment: The Chinese appear to have made the decision that vessels within 200 miles of their borders are breaking Chinese law and can be intercepted by Chinese naval forces .... especially military vessels.
No self respecting country is going to obey these rules .... especially the Americans.
Expect more confrontations in the future.
It is time for the US to kick ass the Chinese. Work with the Vietnamese and use Cam Ranh to set up a base there to contain them. Time for them to return Hoang Sa to Vietnam. Chinese has been always an agressor to the eye of their neighbors. No matter how big or strong they are, they have been kick in the ass for a thousand years by the Vietnamese. History has written all over, same on them.
I'm no fan of the Chinese and I believe the US account of the harassment in international waters.
However what has not been told is that the Impeccable carries LFAS sonar. It is so freaking loud and proven harmful to sea life, (Whales, Porpoise, etc) that it has been severely restricted from use in US waters. While it may be able to locate and track submarines the LFAS system is a total failure from a political standpoint. It tantamount to having someone standing on the sidewalk in front of your house with a bull horn. No wonder the Chinese are upset. The system should never have been deployed.
Indeed, also from what I found online, only 2 LFA are in service right now. the leased RV Cory Chouest and USNS Impeccable.
Think of it this way, someone is looking through your bedroom window with the best binocular in the world from across the street, 24 hours a day. He is not on your property, but would you be mad?
The American just sent Hilary Clinton to beg the Chinese for money to pay for the bail out. On the other hand, they tried to be the big brother their territory. It is pretty pathetic.
Who's the aggressor here? How would the US react if a Chinese naval ship snoops around 100 miles off the US coast?
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