Wednesday, March 25, 2009

China's Arms Buildup Shifting Balance In Asia: US

From Yahoo News/AFP:

WASHINGTON (AFP) – China's pursuit of sophisticated weaponry is altering Asia's military balance and could be used to enforce its claims over disputed territories, the Pentagon said in a report Wednesday.

China has kept up major investments in its armed forces and made advances in hi-tech weaponry that outpace other countries in the region, the Defense Department said in its annual report to Congress on Beijing's military power.

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More News On China's Military

Pentagon criticizes China on military transparency -- Reuters
Pentagon questions growing Chinese military power -- AP
U.S. Sees Chinese Military Rise, and a Need for More Contact -- New York Times
Pentagon Says China's Military Power Grows as Intentions Still Unclear -- Voice Of America
Pentagon report: China's military expanding its capabilities -- CNN
Pentagon's Report Assesses China's Military Might -- Defense Update
Pentagon: Beijing boosts cyberwarfare -- Washington Times
Naval Gazing -- Foreign Policy In Focus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I predicted this 2 years ago. Did anyone listen to me? No.

China needs oil. And uranium. Yes, they are the biggest producer of coal in the world -- but that's not what they want. They want oil for their new cars ("See the U-S-A ... in your Chev-ro-let"; that mantra from the 60s is becoming China's in the 21st century). They want uranium for their new reactors (Greenpeace is screaming at them about 'dirty coal'). And the point will come soon when they will do anything they have to to get these resources. This country has a 5,000 year history of rolling over anybody getting in their way. Think China wouldn't launch nuclear weapons against American cities someday? I have 2 words for you:

Genghis Khan.