Saturday, March 14, 2009

Creeping Narcostate -- A Commentary

50pc of all the cocaine consumed in Britain is believed to have been
trafficked through Venezuela Photo: AFP/GETTY

From IBDeditorial:

War On Drugs: As Mexico burns and its drug war seeps into the U.S., it shouldn't be lost on anyone that among the embattled states fighting cartels, one in the region isn't pulling its weight. Where's the heat on Venezuela?

Venezuela is the weakest link in this hemisphere's war on drugs. It's a leading transshipment point between the cocaine producers of Colombia and the drug lords of Mexico, one of whom just "earned" himself a spot on the 2009 Forbes billionaire's list.

About half of the 600 tons of cocaine produced in Colombia each year rolls through Venezuela undisturbed before it heads north to consumers. And Hugo Chavez's government, whose top officials have been named by the Treasury Department as actual traffickers and which in 2005 cut off drug cooperation with the Drug Enforcement Administration, is doing little to halt the flow of drugs.

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