Thursday, March 26, 2009

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 26, 2009

F-22 (Photo from Stltoday)


Raptor Down in California (Updated Again) -- Danger Room

F-22 Maintenance Learning Curve (updated)-- Worldwide War Pigs

China’s ‘Disruptive’ Arms Technologies Changing Balance in Asia -- Bloomberg

Lockheed Martin Team Awarded Contract For Construction of U.S. Navy's Next Littoral Combat Ship -- FOX Buisness

Letter to Secretary Gates on DDG-1000 -- Information Dissemination

BAE Systems Selected to Participate in U.S. Army's $17.5 Billion Simulation and Training Program -- FOX Business

Marine pilot in fatal San Diego crash failed to challenge superiors, report says -- L.A. Times

Why The F-22 Remains Vital And Important Factor To Be Maintained Part #2 -- Defense Technology News

Missile defense on NATO list -- Washington Times

Top Commander Says NATO Needs Changes for Next Operation -- Voice Of America

France sells 24 military helicopters to Iraq -- Yahoo News/AFP

Israeli in NSA Spying Program Comfortably on the Run in Africa -- Spytalk

Why Hartford Hit New Orleans -- Defense Tech

Russia suggests revealing submarines’ routes -- RT News

Smells Like Droid Spirit -- Strategy Page

US military deaths in Iraq war at 4,261 -- Yahoo News/AP

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