Saturday, March 14, 2009

Obama Administration Dropping 'Enemy Combatant' Term

U.S. military guards walk around Camp 4 detention facility at Guantanamo Bay.
Brennan Linsley / Associated Press

No More 'Enemy Combatants' At Guantanamo Bay -- L.A. Times

The Obama administration abandons the term favored under Bush and declares that the president may no longer order suspects deemed to be dangerous captured and held without trial.

Reporting from Washington -- There will no longer will be "enemy combatants" at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the Obama administration said Friday. Moreover, the new president no longer claims that his title as commander in chief allows him to order people deemed to be dangerous captured and held without trial.

Having abandoned a favored Bush administration term in the war on terrorism, however, the new administration has claimed roughly the same power to hold Guantanamo's detainees indefinitely -- even those who never held a gun or went near a battlefield.

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More News On Dropping The "Enemy Combatant" Term

U.S. Won’t Label Terror Suspects as ‘Combatants’ -- New York Times
U.S. Retires 'Enemy Combatant,' Keeps Broad Right to Detain -- Washington Post
U.S. reverses policy, drops 'enemy combatant' term -- CNN
Reaction | To Obama Enemy Combatant policy -- Miami Herald

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