Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pentagon Opposes Dual Tanker Deal

SEATTLE, Jan. 15, 2009 -- Boeing has completed the first aerial refuelings of a 737 platform. The historic flights were conducted for Australia's Project Wedgetail, an airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) program. Shown here is the 737-700 Wedgetail aircraft receiving fuel from a U.S. Air Force KC-135 tanker during a flight over Edwards Air Force Base in California. The aircraft also was refueled by an Air Force KC-10 tanker. (Photo from Boeing)

From AFP:

WASHINGTON (AFP) — The US Defense Department said Friday it opposed a key lawmaker's proposal this week to split in two a 35-billion-dollar plan to replace the Pentagon's aging fleet of in-air refueling tankers.

"Defense Secretary Robert Gates' position on a split buy is clear to all involved. He thinks it is impractical and inefficient and he is adamantly opposed to it," said Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell.

Read more ....

My Comment: Def. Sec. of Defense Gates and the Pentagon may be opposed to the dual tanker deal, but the politicians who have control on the budget differ.

If there is one thing that I have learned about Washington, it is always the politicians who control the budget that have the real power .... not the Secretary of Defense.

A dual tanker arrangement is what is going to happen.

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