Friday, March 13, 2009

Sri Lanka War News Updates -- March 13, 2009

Sri Lankan army soldiers on patrol in the north-eastern district of Mullaittivu. AFP

Tamil Tigers Cornered As War Wanes -- Washington Times

Civilian casualties mount as peace is elusive

In 2006, Tasha Manoranjan decided to take a year off from school for an unusual reason. The 20-year-old Ohioan had read that violence had been escalating in northern Sri Lanka, the home of her Tamil ancestors, where she had spent the summer two years earlier.

Concerned, Ms. Manoranjan decided to return. She spent the next year traveling through northern Sri Lanka and teaching in group homes for girls, many of which had been bombed out and lacked electricity and plumbing.

Ms. Manoranjan found herself trapped in a cycle of violence that had raged for nearly 30 years between the Sri Lankan government and the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

Read more ....

More News On Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka says kills 32 rebels in heavy combat -- Reuters
Sri Lanka: At least 32 rebels killed in fighting -- AP
Sri Lankan Army finds chemical warfare equipment -- The Hindu
Sri Lanka says 'exceptional attrition rates' in the battle filed -- Colombo Page
Heavy fighting in Sri Lanka as Tamil rebels defend last bases -- Earth Times
Sri Lanka Medical Base 'Captured' -- BBC News
UN warns of possible war crimes in Sri Lanka -- AP
UN fears Sri Lanka 'war crimes' -- BBC
U.N. rights chief points to war crimes in Sri Lanka -- Reuters
Q&A: What is fate of civilians trapped in Sri Lanka' war -- Reuters
After fighting, Sri Lanka needs devolution: India -- AFP

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