Saturday, March 7, 2009

Traumatized Child Soldiers Return Home In Congo

From Yahoo News/AP:

KIWANJA, Congo – Some beat their heads against the wall until doctors inject them with tranquilizers. Others remain mute for days, their eyes darting around like frightened animals.

In recent weeks, hundreds of child soldiers in eastern Congo's catastrophic war have returned home, sometimes to the same villages where they killed and pillaged. Some have been forced back out with threats of vengeance, and even ostracized by their own families.

These children were kidnapped by rebels and used as fighters, laborers, porters and sex slaves in a war that has torn the mineral-rich region apart for years. Children helped slaughter some 150 civilians in a two-day massacre in Kiwanja in November, one of the latest atrocities in a relentless cycle of ethnic warfare.

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My Comment: This is Africa's lost generation.

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