Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Troubles In Northern Ireland -- News Updates For March 14, 2009

Hundreds gathered in Banbridge, Northern Ireland, for the funeral of Constable Stephen Carroll, a Catholic member of the revamped nonsectarian police force. Peter Morrison / Associated Press

'The Troubles' Return -- Wall Street Journal

In Northern Ireland, Killings Expose Lingering Rifts Between Catholics and Protestants

BANBRIDGE, Northern Ireland -- On Friday, this village in the heart of Ulster buried a local constable, Stephen Carroll. Townspeople gathered under a gray sky to watch Mr. Carroll's funeral procession, as a lone bagpiper played. Four days earlier, the constable had been shot in the back of the head as he and other officers responded to a woman's call for help.

With his murder and that of two soldiers just two days before, a fear across Northern Ireland is being reborn: Could the age-old grudge between Protestants and Catholics be spiraling into bloodshed again?

"There is a sense of disbelief," said Dolores Kelly, a councilor for the borough of Craigavon, where Constable Carroll was slain. "My God, what's going on here?"

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More News On Northern Ireland

Three arrests over N.Ireland soldiers' killings -- AFP
Three arrested over N. Irish soldier killings -- CNN
Irish Killings Elicit Unity in Former Enemies -- New York Times
Northern Ireland Unites in Mourning Catholic Police Officer -- Los Angeles Times
Northern Ireland funeral unites old enemies -- International Herald Tribune
Northern Ireland: A land still troubled by its past -- The Independent
We can never return to nightmare of Troubles -- Belfast Telegraph

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