Friday, March 6, 2009

U.S. Army to Train With Safer Ammo

From Popular Mechanics:

Just because some ammunition is made for practice doesn't mean it's not dangerous. For decades, soldiers in training have fired explosives like the M918 40 mm shell, which is less powerful than battlefield munitions, but still explodes to simulate the "bang" of a real round. However, a few of those old-style munitions—about 3 to 8 percent of current shells according to the Department of Defense—are duds that get stuck in the ground without exploding, creating a cleanup nightmare for the military. The Wall Street Journal reports that the bill to clean up all 10 million acres on 1,400 different sites containing unexploded shells could cost about $20 billion. To skirt such pricey clean-ups, the military is turning to a new idea: Green training ammunition.

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My Comment: The article does not say it .... but I bet that this "green" ammunition is very expensive. I just hope that it will not be more than the $20 billion that it will take to clean up the environmental mess that the "old"ammo always leaves behind.

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