Sunday, March 15, 2009

Where Is Osama bin Laden?

A United States Army chinook helicopter flies over the snow capped Hindu Kush mountains. Recent drones support other intelligence that the mountains are Osama bin Laden's hideout.Raedle/Getty/Getty Images

From The New York Daily News:

WASHINGTON - Where's Osama? Try Chitral, once a trekkers' paradise in Pakistan that has been sealed off to outsiders and is now regularly buzzed by American spy drones.

The U.S. won't say it officially, but an exhaustive Daily News investigation finds the world's biggest manhunt for the monster who murdered nearly 3,000 people on 9/11 has zeroed in on Chitral's stunning peaks and deep valleys.

Six U.S. and foreign officials confirmed to The News that northwestern Pakistan's impenetrable Hindu Kush mountains - which boast some of the world's tallest climbs - in the Chitral region have been eyed as Bin Laden's hideout since 2006 by Osama hunters aiming for the big kill.

Read more ....

My Comment: They will get him one day. Today, tomorrow, next month, next year, 10 years from now .... in the end they will get him.

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