Saturday, April 11, 2009

After Hue And Cry, A Sober Look At Gates' Plan

From Defense News:

As Washington began dissecting the program changes unveiled April 6, forecasts of gloom-and-doom for the defense sector were replaced by a feeling that U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates' plan featured only a few surprises, and in some cases merely codified program changes the military services have been floating for some time.

One former Pentagon official called the assessment that there is less to Gates' plan as portrayed in some media accounts and vitriolic statements from lawmakers worried about jobs at home "a spot-on conclusion."

Read more ....

My Comment: This post has some interesting points. Upon reflection .... and knowing that Congress will still load the Pentagon Budget with programs that Congress still wants .... cuts in the Defense Program may appear less than what was first reported.

Over the weekend I am going to update this story with posts and commentary from other blogs and news services.

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