Tuesday, April 21, 2009

BREAKING!!!!! President Obama Reverses Pledge Not To Prosecute Government Officials Involved In Torture Interrogations

President Obama is leaving the door open to possible prosecution of Bush administration officials for harsh interrogation tactics. Photo from MSNBC

Obama Open To Hill Probe Of Harsh Interrogations -- AP

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is leaving the door to open to possible prosecution of Bush administration officials who devised harsh terrorism-era interrogation tactics.

He also said Tuesday that he worries about the impact of high-intensity hearings on how detainees were treated under former President George W. Bush. But Obama did say, nevertheless, he could support a Hill investigation if it were conducted in a bipartisan way.

Read more ....

More News On More Investigations on Former Bush Officials

Obama opens door on torture prosecutions -- Boston.com
Obama open to prosecution, probe of interrogations -- Yahoo News/AP
Obama open to some interrogation prosecution -- MSNBC
Obama Open To Harsh Interrogation Charges -- CBS
Obama Open to Prosecution Over Interrogation Methods -- FOX News

My Comment: Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to this administration. There are a number of our citizens who are in the field sacrificing their life to make us safe .... and now our President wants to lay the groundwork to indict them .... even though these men and women are following the orders of their government.

Sigh .... and all of this happening on a day after President Obama said nothing of the sort was going to happen.

But as far as the main stream media is concerned .... Obama gets euphoric CIA welcome. What BS.


joe six-pack said...

This cannot have any effect other than to degrade the ability of the United States to gather accurate and timely information in the near and distant future. Everyone on our side who can ever be considered to be involved in gathering information will be covering their rears so carefully that all risk taking and initiative will be eliminated.

♥♥♥♥♥ Jennifer™® ♥♥♥♥♥ said...

your blog is feel good