Sunday, April 26, 2009

Iraq War News Updates -- April 26-27, 2009

Iraqi army soldiers examine weapons seized by Iraqi security forces during recent operations in east Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, April 26, 2009. (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)

Iraq: US Raid 'Crime' That Breaks Security Pact -- Yahoo News/AP

BAGHDAD – Iraq's prime minister denounced a deadly U.S. raid on Sunday as a "crime" that violated the security pact with Washington and demanded American commanders hand over those responsible to face possible trial in Iraqi courts.

The U.S. military, however, strongly denied that it overstepped its bounds and said it notified Iraqi authorities in advance — in accordance with the rules that took effect this year governing U.S. battlefield conduct.

Read more ....

More News On Iraq

US breaks up Mahdi Army 'Promise Day Brigade' cell in Al Kut -- Long War Journal
Iraq says U.S. raid "a crime," violated security pact -- Reuters
US raid kills women in south Iraq, angers govt -- Yahoo News/AP
Iraq detains its own commanders after US raid -- Yahoo News/AFP
FACTBOX: Iraq's security pact with the United States -- Reuters
Iraq Tightens Security at Major Shrines After Deadly Bombings -- FOX News
Iraq PM says can confirm insurgent leader arrest -- Reuters
Storm of Violence in Iraq Strains Its Security Forces -- New York Times
ANALYSIS-After bombings, Iraqis worry about worse to come -- Reuters
FACTBOX-Security developments in Iraq, April 26 -- Reuters
Clinton Reiterates Iraq Commitment -- Washington Post
On Iraq Trip, Clinton Reassures a Nation Still Jittery After Recent Suicide Attacks -- New York Times
In Baghdad visit, Clinton reassures Iraqis -- L.A. Times
Iraq Resists Pleas by U.S. to Placate Baath Party -- New York Times
Mullen Cautions Iraq on Arab-Kurd Confrontations -- U.S. Department of Defense
Iraq invites bids to drill 60 oil wells -- Business Week

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