Saturday, April 11, 2009

Military Web 2.0 Report Actually Making Sense

From The Danger Room:

The U.S. military has been stumbling around for years, trying to figure out what to do with social media. A zillion reports on Web 2.0 tech have been produced -- each one more clueless n00b-y than the next.

So it's refreshing to read a study on "Social Software and National Security," out of the Pentagon-sponsored National Defense University, that actually makes sense. Written by Mark Drapeau and former Pentagon CIO Lin Wells, the upcoming paper takes a clear-eyed view of what these new apps can do -- and makes some smart, if basic, suggestions for how government types might uses the tools. For once, there's no awful advice (covertly hire blogwhores, anyone?), no attempts to treat social media as "therapy" or spy-fodder, and no convoluted counter-blog flowcharts. Phew.

Read more ....

My Comment: An excellent review from The Danger Room. A must read post for techies .... and the common soldier .... in the military.

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