Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama's Gitmo -- A Commentary

From The Wall Street Journal:

Helen Thomas: Why is the president blocking habeas corpus from prisoners at Bagram? I thought he taught constitutional law. And these prisoners have been there . . .

Robert Gibbs: You're incorrect that he taught on constitutional law.

You know we live in interesting times when Helen Thomas is going after Barack Obama. Miss Thomas was asking the White House press secretary last week why detainees at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan should not have the same right to challenge their detention in federal court that last year's Supreme Court ruling in Boumediene v. Bush gave to Guantanamo's detainees. All Mr. Gibbs could do was interrupt and correct the doyenne of the White House press corps about Mr. Obama's class as a law professor.

Read more ....

My Comment: The problem with Bagram is that many of the prisoners within the facility are Afghan's themselves, and are under the jurisdiction of the Afghan Government itself .... even though these prisoners are at an Airbase administered by the U.S. and other countries.

I am not sure if it is in the works .... but it is obvious that the Afghan Government needs modern prison facilities with the proper staff to administer their prisoners.

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