Friday, April 10, 2009

U.S. Military Concedes Afghan Civilian Casualties

U.S. Marines conduct a security patrol in the abandoned village of Now Zad in Helmand province, Afghanistan, April 6, 2009. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Gunnery Sgt. James A. Burks

From Yahoo News/Reuters:

KHOST, Afghanistan (Reuters) – The U.S. military has conceded that a raid this week by troops under its command in Afghanistan killed a group of civilians who were defending their home, not militants as it had earlier reported.

The killing of civilians by foreign forces is the biggest source of tension between the Afghan government and its Western backers. While NATO has tightened its procedures, the latest incident shows the problem is far from solved.

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My Comment: There will always be civilian casualties in war. What has been most troubling in Afghanistan is the now use of human shields by the Taliban when confronting U.S. Allied forces. This will unfortunately continue until the Afghan Army has the capacity to replace U.S./Allied forces .... and they are the ones who are confronting Taliban forces and their supporters.

1 comment:

Kell's Blurbs said...

Agreed...where there is war...there will be civilian casualties. You don't have one without the other. Our troops are operating under circumstances where the population is the enemy. There are no soldiers in uniform to fight on a battlefield. It could be the boy or mother who comes up to our soldiers strapped with explosives as well as the insurgent with the rifle who is the enemy. Our troops are doing the best job they can do with the best information they have. I am forever thankful for their service. A very proud Marine mom whose son is serving in Afghanistan.