Monday, May 4, 2009

Gates On Nuclear Disarmament: No So Fast

B-52 with Cruise Missiles (Photo: AFP)

From The Danger Room:

In a speech last month in Prague, President Barack Obama outlined his vision of “a world without nuclear weapons.” But in an interview broadcast yesterday on CNN, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates offered a sober reminder: Getting there ain’t easy.

“President Obama is the fourth president that I have worked for who has said that he would like to – has said publicly he would like to see an end to nuclear weapons and having a nuclear weapons-free world. I think that’s a laudable objective,” he said. “But I think that it’s - it’s a long road to get there,”

Read more ....

My Comment: Before President Obama took the oath of office, nuclear weapons was the issue that would split the new administration from those who have been following and supervising America's existing nuclear arsenal.

Sec. of Defense Gates recent comments is an indication that this debate is now going from the theoretical to the practical .... and he is now going public with his concerns. U.S. - Russian talks are going to start very soon .... expect this debate to get even more heated and vocal.

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