Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama Still Debating How To Try 9/11, USS Cole Defendants

Jim Morin / The Miami Herald (May 22, 2009)

From McClatchy Newspapers:

President Barack Obama is still deciding whether to go to federal court with the death penalty cases against five men accused of orchestrating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a Defense Department official has notified the thousands of victims' family members.

Meantime, a Pentagon-led prosecution team is using a White House freeze in military court proceedings to line up family members as witnesses in the 9/11 case and the 2000 USS Cole bombing, in the event that Obama decides to proceed with military trials.

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My Comment: the McClatchy Newspaper chain is a rather liberal news organization. For them to be this critical of President Obama on the subject of Guantanamo detainees/terrorists is very telling on how the media is now starting to cover his Presidency.

I guess the honeymoon (for some in the media) is now over.

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