Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pak General Wants Drones Grounded In Taliban Cease-Fire Deal

MQ-9 Reaper (Image from 3DAllusions)

From The Danger Room:

A top Pakistani general wants the U.S. to stop sending drones and troops after the militants undermining the governments in Kabul and Islamabad. It’s a suggestion that’s unlikely to be met warmly in the White House or the Pentagon, where frustrations are growing with Pakistan’s limp response to domestic radicals. Just this week, Islamabad’s army took its sweet time responding to a Taliban offensive that put the militants in temporary control of a district just 60 miles from the Pakistani capital.

Pakistani military and political leaders have begged, over and over again, for an end to the U.S. killer drone campaign credited with taking out dozens of militants. But this is, to my knowledge the first time a leading official has called for stopping the drone war — as well as the larger conflict against the Taliban.

Read more ....

My Comment: This is not going to happen. With Allied soldiers being killed on a daily basis in Afghanistan, this "request" to stop targeted killings is not going to go over well with military commanders and the White House itself. This request from a Pakistani General to stop the fight is not going to be accepted.

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