Friday, May 1, 2009

Riots Across Europe Fuelled By Economic Crisis

Workers of ArcelorMittal hold Bengal fires during the annual May Day demonstration in Marseille, France Photo: EPA

From The Telegraph:

Tension over the global economic slump have fuelled May Day protests and riots across Europe with trouble breaking out in Germany, Greece, Austria, Turkey and France.

Police in Berlin arrested 57 people while around 50 officers were hurt as young demonstrators threw bottles and rocks and set fire to cars and rubbish bins. There were also clashes in Hamburg, where anti-capitalist protesters attacked a bank.

In Turkey, masked protesters threw stones and petrol bombs at police, smashing banks and supermarket windows in its biggest city, Istanbul. Security forces fired tear gas and water cannon at hundreds of rioters and more than a hundred were arrested with dozens more hurt. There were also scattered skirmishes with police in the capital, Ankara, where 150,000 people marched.

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More News On Riots In Europe

May Day turns violent in Turkey, Germany, Greece -- Reuters
May Day protesters clash with police in Turkey, Greece and Germany -- The Guardian
Police Clash with May Day Protesters in Several European Nations -- Voice Of America
Police battle May Day protesters -- BBC
Financial crisis fuels May Day protests -- RTE

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