Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Afghanistan War News Updates -- June 2, 2009

A U.S. Army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter carrying U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates prepares to land on Field Operating Base Airborne in the Wardak province, Afghanistan, May 8, 2009. DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Jerry Morrison

The Most Deadly US Foe In Afghanistan -- Christian Science Monitor

The Haqqani network, born of the Russian war and nurtured by the CIA, is behind many spectacular assaults in Afghanistan.

Gardez, AFGHANISTAN - Sitting in an open field, three Taliban-allied insurgents carefully pore over a map of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.

"This is where we will be staying," one says, pointing.

In the next scene from this insurgent propaganda video, one fighter shows the others a video of an empty room with a window. "You will shoot at Karzai from this window," he explains to the others. "We have people on the inside who will help you."

The assassination attempt on President Hamid Karzai, which took place in April 2008 during a military parade, nearly succeeded. The president escaped, but three people died.

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More News On Afghanistan

16 Killed in Afghan Clashes - Police, US Troops and Militants -- Voice of America
Afghan Army, Coalition Forces kill 6 Taliban insurgents in E Afghanistan -- China View
Afghan family of six among 29 killed -- Yahoo News/AP
Afghan blasts kill four US troops -- BBC
FACTBOX-Security developments in Afghanistan, June 2 -- Reuters
McChrystal to Face Questions on Plans for Afghanistan -- Washington Post
US general faces Iraq abuse questions, groups say -- Reuters
Foreign Policy: What We Can Learn From The Taliban -- NPR
Afghan Valley Offers Test for Obama Strategy -- New York Times
U.S. and Taliban to Redouble Afghan Efforts -- New York Times
Author Claims Taliban Funds Fight in South Asia with Poppy Cultivation -- Voice of America
U.S. military turns to Twitter for Afghan hard news -- Yahoo tech
US military deaths in Afghanistan region at 618 -- AP

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