Saturday, June 20, 2009

Gays in the Military: Let the Evidence Speak

From The Washington Post:

The Supreme Court announced last week that it would not review a lawsuit challenging the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy forbidding homosexuals from serving openly. The Obama administration had asked the court not to take the case as the president considers ending the ban.

News that the president would change the policy had inspired a group of retired flag officers to argue on this page this spring that service by openly gay individuals would harm morale, discipline, cohesion, recruitment and retention in the U.S. military ["Gays and the Military: A Bad Fit," op-ed, April 15]. They wrote as part of a larger effort by more than 1,000 retired officers to keep the ban in place.

Read more ....

My Comment: I disagree with the policy initiatives that President Obama and Retired General Shalikashvili are proposing, but they are right when they say that it is going to happen anyway regardless of what the soldiers in the military may think.

The U.S. military culture will never be the same again .... and we will have to live with it.

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