Monday, June 29, 2009

Is The U.K. Ministry Of Defense Lying About The Readiness Of The HMS Invincible?

HMS Invincible (Photo from Maritime Quest)

HMS Invincible Is Dead In The Water -- Portsmouth

The government claims she is part of the fleet, ready to be called upon to defend the country if needed.

But today The News can reveal the truth about how HMS Invincible – supposedly in a state of 'extended readiness' – is in fact a warship far from ready for action.

The Ministry of Defence claims she is available for action until September 2010, when she will leave the fleet.

But a Freedom of Information request by The News reveals she is crewed by just four people as she languishes in Portsmouth's dockyard.

Read more ....

My Comment: If this report is true, one has to question if there are other ships in the UK Navy that are in the same state as the HMS Invinsible. As for the Ministry of Defense .... there credibility is at stake.

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