Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is The U.S. Government Trying to Bring Down The Israeli Government?

President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu

Is Obama Aiming to Bring Down Bibi? -- Pajamas Media

Obama's hard line on settlement expansion may have more to do with hurting Netanyahu than with the "peace process."

After Netanyahu’s meeting with Obama last month, Israeli commentator Aluf Benn noted that “many people in Washington seemed to be more interested in the life expectancy of the current Israeli government than in Netanyahu’s positions.”

Last week in London, dovish Likud minister Dan Meridor reportedly complained to a U.S. delegation that “Washington’s demands of a complete construction freeze would lead to the dissolution of the Netanyahu government.” The Israeli side was said to be “stunned by the uncompromising U.S. stance.”

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My Comment: I cannot say that I am surprised, I was saying that this was going to happen even before President Obama took the Presidential oath of office. When one looks at President Obama's history and the history of his friendships .... one can easily see that the sympathies of his "circle" were always directed at the plight of the Palestinians .... not Israel.

The failed meeting between Israeli PM Netanyahu and President Obama last week, the cancellation of weapon deals with the Israeli military, the sending of CIA Director Panetta to Israel to warn them not to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, the commitment of hundreds of millions in aid to Gaza (which will go into the hands of Hamas) .... it is easy to see a pattern here.

For Israel .... there is not much that they can do. They will appeal to their friends in Congress, but there is only so much that they can do. Israel is now in a quandary .... the only thing that will change the dynamics is American public opinion .... but for the moment American public opinion is quiet and ambivalent on this situation.

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