Monday, June 1, 2009

Mexico Drug Traffickers Corrupt Politics

Photo: Rafael CedeƱo Hernandez and other suspected La Familia men were detained in April in Michoacan state. Last week, 10 mayors and 20 other local officials were held across the state in a related inquiry. Officials say La Familia has tainted all levels of political life in Michoacan. Alfredo Estrella / AFP/Getty Images

From The L.A. Times:

The cult-like La Familia Michoacana has contaminated city halls across one state, federal officials say. It sometimes decides who runs and who doesn't, who lives and who dies.

Reporting from Patzcuaro, Mexico -- There are few places in Mexico that better illustrate the way traffickers have corrupted the political system from its very foundation than Michoacan, the home state of President Felipe Calderon.

A relatively new and particularly violent group, La Familia Michoacana, is undermining the electoral system and day-to-day governance of this south-central state, pushing an agenda that goes beyond the usual money-only interests of drug cartels.

Read more ....

My Comment: Money and politics walk hand in hand .... and the narco drug barons and cartels have a lot of money.

My main concern and worry is that Mexico's drug and political culture becomes part of the U.S. political culture. When this happens on a large scale, the damage that it will do will be immeasurable.

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