Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Now Even France Spends More On Its Military Than Britain As China Takes Second Spot In Global Arms Race

A French Air Force Rafale, manufactured by French company Dassault Aviation

From The Daily Mail:

China and France have overtaken Britain to become the top military spenders behind the United States.

China raised spending by 10 per cent last year to £52.9billion, taking the second spot previously held by Britain, a research group said.

Third-placed France spent £40.8billion, pipping Britain's arms budget of £40.6billion.

And Russia climbed to fifth from seventh in 2007, spending £36.5billion, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said.

But the U.S. continued to dwarf all military budgets, spending £378billion, an annual rise of 9.7 per cent.

It accounted for nearly 42 per cent of the total global arms spend of £909billion.

Globally, spending rose 4 per cent in 2008.

Read more ....

My Comment: The figures do not show the whole story. Billions of pounds are being spent by Britain for ongoing operations in Afghanistan .... an expenditure that France does not have (to that degree).


Anonymous said...

Don't forget that France is in Afghanistan as UK!! Always sth to say to criticize France, incredible...

WNU Editor said...

WNU Editor: I know that France is in Afghanistan, but their commitment (since 2001) has not been the same as Britain's. This may change with time, but over the past 8 years Britain has spent an enormous amount of money on both Afghanistan and Iraq .... a condition that has not befallen on the French.

Having said that, I will not be surprise to see (in the next few years) France spending more in Afghanistan, as well as becoming more involved in African peace keeping missions.