Sunday, June 7, 2009

Terrorists Free To Kill Once Again As They Slip The Grasp Of Gitmo's Kid Gloves -- A Commentary

BREEDING GROUNDS: Detainees are allowed to pray, keep the Koran (inset), and study other other Islamic texts at Guantanamo Bay. The suspected terrorists have access to anti-Western literature, thanks to the detention camp's library, where books aren't screened for content, unlike those at federal prisons.

From The New York Post:

THE Pentagon now confirms that at least 74 former Guantanamo detainees have resumed terror ist activities after claiming they weren't terrorists.

Such recidivism points up an alarming intelligence failure.

These dangerous prisoners should never have been cleared for release. Why did interrogators fail to find the cracks in their stories and alibis?

Why wasn't more intelligence gathered to predict they'd rejoin al Qaeda or the Taliban?

Read more ....

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