Sunday, July 26, 2009

Iraq Veterans Find Afghan Enemy Even Bolder

Corpsman Eliot Dunne of the Navy, center, showed Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, left, and Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson his bullet wound from a recent major offensive Helmand Province. Eros Hoagland for The New York Times

From The New York Times:

NAWA, Afghanistan — In three combat tours in Anbar Province, Marine Sgt. Jacob Tambunga fought the deadliest insurgents in Iraq.

But he says he never encountered an enemy as tenacious as what he saw immediately after arriving at this outpost in Helmand Province in Afghanistan. In his first days here in late June, he fought through three ambushes, each lasting as long as the most sustained fight he saw in Anbar.

Like other Anbar veterans here, Sergeant Tambunga was surprised to discover guerrillas who, if not as lethal, were bolder than those he fought in Iraq.

“They are two totally different worlds,” said Sergeant Tambunga, a squad leader in Company C, First Battalion, Fifth Marines.

“In Iraq, they’d hit you and run,” he said. “But these guys stick around and maneuver on you.”

Read more ....

My Comment: I recall during the run up to the Falklands War, I asked my father if the British Army would have a chance to defeat the Argentinians since they were outnumbered and fighting against an enemy that had entrenched positions. I always respected his military opinions because of his war and military experience in the Soviet military .... and he was also almost always right.

His response surprised me .... he told me that the British would have no problem defeating the Argentinians. When I pushed him for why was he so confident .... his response can also be applied to the Taliban who are fighting against U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan today. The British have always been involved in wars and conflicts for centuries .... it is in their blood, the Argentinians (in contrast) have had no experience in war and conflicts.

The Taliban of today have been involved in wars and conflicts that goes back centuries. It is in their DNA. Tribal wars, fighting against the British, against the Soviets, against themselves .... there has always been war and conflict. The Iraqis .... in contrast ... have had experience in warfare (war with Iran, the Turks, against each other) .... but this does not compare to the sheer brutality and constant warfare that the Afghans have experienced.

The Taliban are a different fighter, but I believe that technology and U.S. military tactics (and also our soldiers) will defeat them .... if they are given the time and resources to do so. If not .... the Taiban will simply wear us out as they have done with all past invaders and occupiers regardless of the cost to them.

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