Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Like The Church Committee Investigating CIA Abuses in The 1970s, Some Are Now Calling For Another CIA Investigation

Holt Calls for Next Church Committee on CIA -- Washington Independent

Congressman Calls for Broad Inquiry Into Intelligence Agency

After years of examining CIA operations of dubious legality, an important member of the House intelligence committee is exploring an option that many in the intelligence community view with apprehension: a comprehensive investigation of all intelligence-community operations over years and perhaps even decades. The model is the famous Church and Pike committees of the 1970s, which exposed widespread CIA lawlessness; created the modern legal and congressional oversight structures for intelligence; and cleaved the history of the CIA into before- and after- periods.

Read more ....

My Comment: I doubt that we will have a "Church" type of Committee to investigate the CIA today. To begin, many Democrats would have to be called in front of such a committee .... and their acceptance and/or approval of CIA operations while serving on the oversight committees (that were set up by the Church Committee) will then be publicly known.

They do not want to go there .... and neither do the Republicans.

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