Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nigerian Religious Civil War Claims 150 Lives After Two Days Of Fighting

Nigerian Militants 'Under Siege' -- BBC News

A group of Nigerian Islamist militants is barricaded inside a district in the city of Maiduguri, after two days of violence in the country's north.

A BBC reporter in the city says the Islamists are shooting at anyone coming close to their stronghold.

President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua had ordered the security forces to use all necessary means to end the violence, in which at least 100 have died.

The militants want Islamist rule and an end to Western-style education.

Read more ....

More News On The Unrest In Nigeria

In Nigeria, an Islamist Expansion -- Wall Street Journal
Nigeria raises security as police sweep up bodies -- AFP
Nigeria: curfews and extra troops quell violence -- Yahoo News/AP
Scores Die as Fighters Battle Nigerian Police -- New York Times
Clashes with Islamists who claim to be Taleban kill 150 in Nigeria -- Times Online
More than 150 feared dead in Islamist attacks in Nigeria -- The Telegraph
Nigeria: Scores die after battle with militants -- CNN
Islamists attack Nigeria police -- L.A. Times
Nigeria's 'Taliban' enigma -- The BBC
Nigeria and Al Qaeda -- Counter Terrorism Blog

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