Sunday, July 26, 2009

Will The Capture Of American-Born al-Qaida Recruit Bryant Neal Vinas Result In A New Direction In Fighting Terrorism?

From AP:

NEW YORK – When the American-born al-Qaida recruit Bryant Neal Vinas was captured in Pakistan late last year, he wasn't whisked off to a military prison or a secret CIA facility in another country to be interrogated.

Instead, the itinerant terrorist landed in the hands of the FBI and was flown back to New York to face justice.

Months before President Barack Obama took office with a pledge to change U.S. counterterrorism policies, the Bush administration gave Vinas all the rights of American criminal suspects.

And he talked.

Read more ....

Update: American forged own path into Al Qaeda -- L.A. Times

My Comment: The main lead in this AP story is that this American born Al Qaeda recruit .... because he was treated differently (i.e. he was treated as an American citizen) .... and that he talked .... should give a heads up that maybe anti-terrorism procedures should shift to the same procedures that were used to turn Bryant Neal Vinas.

Hmmmm .... I do not think so, and I doubt that a "new direction in fighting terror may stem from this case".

When captured, they quickly learned that he was an American (which I am sure that he did his best to communicate), and as an American they gave him his due process and shipped him to the FBI.

When he realized his legal consequences of being a member of Al Qaeda .... he sang like a canary.

If all Al Qaeda terrorists acted like this when captured .... I would say sure .... this is (maybe) the procedure that we should follow. But I doubt that most Al Qaeda commanders and leaders will react or behave this way .... they certainly have not been forth coming in freely providing information and tactical details.

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