Monday, August 17, 2009

Bin Laden's Driver Talks

Salim Ahmed Hamdan sits with daughters, Selma, left, and Fatima, at their home in Yemen. He invited the Star inside on condition he not be photographed. LUCAS OLENIUK/TORONTO STAR

From The Toronto Star:

Salim Ahmed Hamdan opens up to the Star about putting his past lives — as an Al Qaeda insider and Guantanamo's most famous detainee — behind him and starting over as a taxi driver raising two young daughters in Yemen.

SANA'A, YEMEN–Salim Ahmed Hamdan opens the arched blue door to his home, sending a shaft of light outside that illuminates the evening street life of stray cats and young boys kicking stones.

The electricity has just come back on following the regular blackouts that occur after sunset.

Read more ....

My Comment: The Toronto Star is one of Canada's more Liberal papers.

It does not disappoint.

Salim Hamdan mentions nothing about the victims of 9/11 or any other victim of Al Qaeda terrorism .... there is no remorse or sorrow. All that he cares about is himself and his fellow jihadists who are still in Guantanamo.

The Star tries to portray him as a person who was indoctrinated into Al Qaeda when he was 26 .... that he was swept away with jihad and the "brotherhood".

Sighhhh .... trying to portray a terrorist facilitator as a "victim" never works .... a point that I had to remind myself while reading this article.


Anonymous said...

I'm not even sure what the point of the article was. The man was convicted, served some time and then released. It's not as though he was rotting in jail for 30 years, wrongfully convicted. A small pawn from a part of the world and a society that basically hates us and would have no qualms seeing more of us die. Hardly newsworthy.

WNU Editor said...

Thank you Anonymous for your comment.

I completely agree with your comment. I put the article in because I am a Canadian citizen who reads the Toronto Star occasionally (very occasionally). But this article was way over the top.

They have been pushing for the repatriation of the only Westerner that is still in Guantanamo, a Canadian citizen by the name of Kahdr, a child soldier who enjoyed building land mines to kill or cripple other children, and is now being held by the Americans for the murder (in Afghanistan) of an American medic/doctor in 2001.

The Toronto Star is using the case of Salim Ahmed Hamdan to prove their point that these terrorists and murderers are not dangerous, and that they can be reformed by being released back into society.

I (of course) do not share this point of view. These fanatics were overjoyed with the murder of thousands and their involvement in it. There is no remorse or sorrow.

Salim Ahmed Hamdan got off easy .... and he knows it. The Toronto Star does not.