Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Britain To Release Lockerbie BomberToday

Police and investigators inspect the remains of the flight deck of Pan Am 103 in a field in Lockerbie, Scotland, on Dec 22, 1988. (Associated Press)

Lockerbie Bomber’s Private Jet To Freedom Courtesy Of Gaddafi -- Times Online

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi will send his private jet to collect the Lockerbie bomber and take him home to Libya if, as expected, he is released from jail today on compassionate grounds.

Kenny MacAskill, the Scottish Justice Secretary, said that he would announce at 1pm his decision on whether Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi should be freed, but he gave no indication last night as to what that decision would be.

Read more ....

My Comment: Hundreds of years of legal tradition in England .... swept aside so that a judge will feel good that "on compassionate grounds" he will be releasing a convicted mass murderer.


Steven said...

This has nothing to do with legal tradition in England but is to do with Scottish (Scots) Law which is fundamentally different.

Scots law allows for any prisoner to be released when facing terminal illness and imminent death. This happens with all prisoners and understandidly the Law cannot treat this man differently. The problem is the current system should be changed for all criminals as his release as well as the release of any criminals disgust me and is a kick in the face to the families of the murdered.

WNU Editor said...

Good point Steven .... I stand corrected on Scottish tradition.

But I am still disgusted.

henry young said...

What, all we all of a sudden giving out FREE Lunches? Since when??? Under what premise? Did this guy learn his lesson? Who knows, right? Well I guess we’ll have to find out the hard way, maybe???