Sunday, August 30, 2009

Marines Hardened By War Battles Reunite

From My San Antonio:

He was a young Marine on a 1963 mission so secret that no one knew where they were going until after putting out to sea.

Rich Lantz was on the ground floor of the Vietnam War. He and his best friend, Lance Cpl. Dino Denardo, fought the Viet Cong while fellow Marines mapped beaches and inland areas off Highway 1.

They came home and lost contact, but Lantz, 65, of Fairmount City, Pa., still feels such love for Denardo that he broke down while talking about him recently.

“You get so damned tight, it's unbelievable,” he said. “When you can close your eyes and your buddy's guarding your back, you know what I'm saying? And you know that he can close his eyes and you're guarding his back.”

Read more ....

Hat Tip: Prairie Pundit

My Comment: This story brings back memories of my dad and his war time experiences in the Second World War.

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