Sunday, August 23, 2009

Russian Subs And US Safety

Reports of Russian submarine activity have raised concerns within the Pentagon.
(File photo) (AFP: NTV)

From Moscow News:

Having spent much of my life studying and dealing with the Kremlin, I am keenly aware of how frustrating some people in it can be. They are suspicious of anything the United States does (occasionally with good reason); they see conspiracies where none exist; and they sometimes act like bullies - as we saw last August in Russia's overreaction to provocations by Georgian President Saakashvili.

That said, I am also aware that some Americans can be just as paranoid and hostile to Russia, and on principle. These people often overreact to what Russians do - which is exactly what happened after the recent reports of Russian Akula submarines off the US east coast.

Read more ....

My Comment: A "back to planet earth" analysis.

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