Monday, August 24, 2009

Saudis Set Stage For Mid-East Nuke Race

From The Australian:

THE scene has been set for a race between several Middle Eastern countries to develop a nuclear program after Saudi Arabia yesterday revealed its intention to push ahead with a nuclear industry.

Saudi Arabian Minister for Water and Electricity Abdullah al-Hosain revealed that the country was developing its first nuclear power plant.

Read more ....

My Comment: Ignoring the fact that Saudi Arabia has the world's largest reserves of energy, its foray into nuclear energy is an obvious attempt (that will be successful) to have the expertise and resources available in the event that they may decide to develop nuclear weapons.

Kudos to the The Australian for breaking this story .... when I did a news search on this topic .... with the exception of the Iranian Press (who understand the consequences of such a decision) .... they were the only ones who were able to catch the Saudi Minister in making this commitment to develop Saudi Arabia's first nuclear reactor.

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