Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The State Of Freedom (Or Lack Of) In Great Britain -- A Commentary

Paranoid, Suspicion, Obsessive Surveillance - And A Land Of Liberty Destroyed By Stealth -- The Daily Mail

Returning to Britain from a summer holiday abroad, you begin to notice things that perhaps escaped your attention before - the huge number of CCTV cameras that infest our public spaces and, much less obviously, the atmosphere of watchfulness and control that has now become a way of life.

This is the regime that 12 years of New Labour have imposed on Britain, a place of unwavering suspicion, paranoia - and obsessive surveillance.

We have become the sort of society that we would unhesitatingly have railed against a few years ago. But, because the change has been brought about with such stealth, we are the very last to see it.

Read more ....

My Comment: George Orwell was not only a fantastic writer and scholar .... he was a prophet. 1984 is with us today, the only exception is that our version is "cleaner".

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