Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Afghanistan War News Updates -- September 22, 2009

U.S. Marines listen to a briefing before setting out on patrol in Farah province, western Afghanistan. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top U.S. and allied commander in Afghanistan, warned in a classified assessment that the mission risked failure if more troops were not sent. (David Furst / AFP/Getty Images / September 22, 2009)

Obama Is Reevaluating Afghanistan War Strategy -- L.A. Times

The review could lead to a focus on hunting down Al Qaeda and the scaling back of broader efforts at political reform.

Reporting from Washington - Faced with a grim assessment of the Afghan war from his top commander and opposition from leading Democrats, President Obama has begun a wholesale reevaluation of the military effort that could alter the strategic aims of the American mission.

The review could result in a scaling back of efforts to reform Afghanistan's politics and develop its economy. The U.S. could then focus more on hunting down Al Qaeda and its close allies with small special operations teams and armed Predator drones. Such an effort could avert the need for additional troops, officials and experts said.

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Changes Have Obama Rethinking War Strategy -- Washington Post
Pentagon Delays Troop Call -- Wall Street Journal
Pentagon delays Afghan troop request: report -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Pentagon delays Afghan troop request -- Asia Times

Two NATO solders killed in Afghanistan -- AFP
Bomb in Afghanistan kills US service member -- AP
Soldier killed in Afghanistan explosion: ministry -- AFP
FACTBOX: Military deaths in Afghanistan -- Reuters

US Commanders Told to Shift Focus to More Populated Areas -- Washington Post
McChrystal: 3 main insurgent groups active -- UPI
Afghan Warlords will Fight if US Gives Aid -- Washington Times
US Says Pakistan, Iran Helping Taliban -- L.A. Times
US sees hand of elite Iranian unit in Afghanistan -- Reuters
Surgical Approach to Afghanistan -- Wall Street Journal

UK's Brown seeks fewer UK troops in Afghanistan -- AP
UK Army Draws Up Plan to Send 1,000 More Troops to Afghanistan -- Times Online
ANALYSIS-Europe to resist larger Afghan troops commitment -- Reuters


Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal McChrystal's Assessment -- Washington Post (Unclassified) PDF.
McChrystal: More Forces or 'Mission Failure' -- Washington Post
General Calls for More US Troops to Avoid Afghan Failure -- New York Times
Leaked Report Urges More Troops for Afghanistan -- Voice of America
Troop Surge Vital for Afghanistan War -- The Australian
General's Review Creates Rupture -- Washington Post
Clinton rebuffs general's warning on Afghanistan -- Yahoo News/AFP
Lawmakers on Afghan War: Generals Deserve Day in Congress -- Washington Times


Afghan fraud panel to use sampling in recounts -- AP
Afghanistan Election Review will be Based on Sample -- New York Times
Afghanistan election review will be based on sample -- L.A. Times
Afghan Election Fraud Favoring Karzai May Have Boomeranged -- NPR
SCENARIOS - Possible outcomes of Afghanistan's election -- Reuetrs


In Afghanistan Assessment, a Catalyst for Obama -- Washington Post
Afghan war report puts Obama in tough spot -- Yahoo News/AFP
World Agenda: Is Afghan surge Obama's Cuba moment? -- Times Online
Afghan agony: More troops won't help -- Ralph Peters, New York Post
Maladies of Interpreters -- Joshua Foust, New York Times
What did NATO expect in Afghanistan, anyway? -- Jeffrey Simpson, Globe And Mail
Winning Afghan Hearts and Minds -- Patrick Walters, The Australian
Obama's Befuddling Afghan Policy -- Leslie Gelb, Wall Street Journal
Wavering on Afghanistan? -- Washington Post editorial
Obama Goes Wobbly on Afghanistan -- Washington Times editorial

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