Friday, September 18, 2009

Behind The Pakistan Predator Strikes

Graphic from the Chicago Tribune on the Predator/Reaper strike program.
Click here to enlarge.

From The Threat Matrix:

The Chicago Tribune has a good graphic on the US unmanned air campaign targeting the Taliban and al Qaeda in Pakistan.* From the intro:

Monday’s deadly airstrike in northwest Pakistan marks the latest example of US forces’ increasing reliance on unmanned aircraft, or drones, to target Al Qaeda and Taliban personnel in the region. These remotely-piloted planes, such as the Predator and the Reaper, play an important role in surveillance and targeting of enemy forces in Pakistan and have been used in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The planes are guided remotely from command centers in the US using technology that allows pilots on the other side of the world to control their actions, including firing missiles. These strikes have become controversial following incidents in which drone-fired missiles have killed non-combatants.

Read more ....

My Comment: A good overview and summary of how the predator/reaper program works.

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