Saturday, September 5, 2009

CIA News Updates -- September 5, 2009

CIA Wants DOJ to Investigate Assassinations Leak -- Washington Independent

The CIA is none too happy about the recent disclosure of apparently inchoate “significant actions” canceled by Director Leon Panetta. After the activities’ initial disclosure to Congress in late June, additional reporting determined that these actions were a never-operational effort at assassinating members of al-Qaeda and were contracted to the controversial firm Blackwater. Now, Eli Lake and Sara Carter report for The Washington Times that the CIA has requested that the Justice Department open an inquiry into the expanding leaks. Both the CIA and Justice neither confirm nor deny an investigation is taking place.

Read more ....

More News On The CIA (Week In Review)

Officials: CIA chief Panetta staying put -- AP
PANETTA COMPLEX: A Liberal Down The Rabbit Hole -- OpEdnews
CIA Asks Justice to Probe Leaks of Secrets -- FOX News
Report: Gonzales Backs Holder on Prosecutor Appointment -- Washington Post
CIA Works to Limit Number of Contractors -- U.S. News And World Report
Obama Administration Argues Against Releasing Bush-Era Detainee Information -- ABC News
CIA refuses to release torture probe documents -- AFP
C.I.A. Resists Disclosure of Records on Detention -- New York Times
The War on CIA's Inspector General -- Middle East Online
Assessing CIA culpability in detainee deaths will be tricky -- McClatchy News
CIA doctors face human experimentation claims -- The Guardian
CIA used Blackwater-linked mercenaries as journalists -- Online Journal
Torture's fallout -- L.A. Times Editorial
In the War on Terror, how far is too far? -- Madeline Lambelet, The Guilfordian
Do Whatever It Takes, We'll Punish You Later -- Strategy Page
CIA Tests DoJ Priorities -- Weekly Standard
What the CIA Documents Show: Yes, Virginia, enhanced interrogation works. -- Stephen F. Hayes, Weekly Standard
Panetta's Empty Promise -- Jennifer Rubin, Weekly Standard
Strange bed fellows on CIA probe -- Martin Schram, Washington Times opinion

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