Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cost Concerns Propelled U.S. Missile Pivot

Barack Obama announces plans to scrap the US missile defence shield in central Europe.
Photograph: Charles Dharapak/AP

From The Wall Street Journal:

Obama Decision Is Aimed at Saving Pentagon Funds While Helping Nonproliferation Push; Shift Was Years in the Making.

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration's scrapping of long-range missile interceptors in Europe wasn't just about security and diplomacy, according to people close to the process: It also came down to money.

"A ground-based interceptor is generally about a $70 million-per-missile asset going after a $10-$15 million [Iranian] missile," a senior administration official told arms-control analysts Thursday at a briefing explaining the rationale, according to a recording heard by The Wall Street Journal. "The trade is not a good one economically. It's not a good one from a military strategy position."

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My Comment: The excuses are now coming out to justify what has turned into a diplomatic disaster. Of course these interceptor missiles are expensive, but the damage that an Iranian missile can do has the potential of exceeding the cost of any interceptor.

Expect more reasons and excuses to come out to justify this decision .... but the damage has already been done. The Europeans are asking themselves .... why sign a defense and security agreement with the U.S., when a different administration may just jettison it. The White House could have handled this differently .... but for some bizarre reason they decided to not consult with our allies and to layout a justification for changing the program .... hence this perception from Europe that the Americans are unreliable.

There is now going to be a strategic rethink in Europe on American intentions and credibility .... and the net result will be a lack of trust from Europe in the leadership of the U.S. In a more substantial way .... expect the Europeans to put pressure on laying the groundwork for withdrawing from Afghanistan. The Canadians are now committed to leave in two years .... I expect the Europeans to now follow suit.

1 comment:

shthar said...

What Iranian missile?

You need to remember what your mother told you.

"you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone."

If you really think you're in danger from a countries missiles, stop giving them reasons to attack you.