Sunday, September 20, 2009

Derailing The Cluster Bomb Treaty

(Click Above Image to Enlarge)

Made In Mass., Bomb Stirs Global Debate --
Textron seeks to quash cluster munitions pact.

WASHINGTON - The Sensor Fuzed Weapon is a marvel of military technology, says its maker, Textron Defense Systems. An advanced “cluster bomb,’’ it is designed to spray 40 individual projectiles of molten copper, destroying enemy tanks across a 30-acre swath of battlefield.

But the bomb - which is made at a Textron facility in the Boston suburb of Wilmington - violates terms of a landmark international treaty limiting cluster bombs to 10 bomblets or less. The pending treaty, signed by 98 nations last year in Oslo, has been sought for decades by human rights groups, which say that cluster bombs kill indiscriminately and leave behind duds that kill or maim unsuspecting civilians.

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My Comment: The cluster bomb is a terrible weapon for the simple reason that it is terribly effective against armored trucks and vehicles. It is also cheaper to use than precision guided missiles, and it can also destroy a number of vehicles in one attack. Unfortunately, it is also terribly effective at killing civilians and children.

The first time that I saw a cluster bomblet, I was both amazed by its simplicity, and the need (for some reason) to pick it up. If I felt that need to pick it up, I am sure for children it is irresistible.

It is also irresistible for the military to have these weapons in their armories, and it is for this simple reason that a large number of countries will not sign this treaty .... the U.S. being one of many.

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