Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Information As The New Arms Race


From the Wall Street Journal:

An official report last week reveals weaknesses in our effort to prevent another 9/11.

The U.S. is the only country whose laws mandate the release of details of its intelligence goals and operations. Every four years, the National Intelligence Strategy document discloses the priorities of the usually hidden operations of the country's 16 intelligence agencies.

A key theme of last week's report is that we're now in what might be called an information arms race, driven by technology. "Rapid technological change and dissemination of information continue to alter social, economic and political forces, providing new means for our adversaries and competitors to challenge us," the report says, "while also providing the U.S. with new opportunities to preserve or gain competitive advantages."

Read more ....

My Comment: This is an excellent review of the National Intelligence Strategy document that was release last week.

Read it all.

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