Sunday, September 27, 2009

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- Week In Review (September 21 - 26, 2009)

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 26, 2009

Don’t Mess With The F-35 If You Know What’s Good For You -- ELP Defens(c)e Blog

To The Hill; don’t mess with the F-35 if you know whats good for you. That is the message from U.S. Secretary of Defense Gates. Since Gates has hung his hat on the F-35 with no plan-B, he doesn’t want to look bad. Even if his total fund of knowledge on air power issues could be written in large crayon on one piece of paper.

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Boeing may offer US Air Force two tankers -- Reuters

White House objects to extra C-17 planes -- Government Executive

New fighter jets for Admiral Kuznetsov -- Barents Observer

Global Hawk returns to flight -- Edwards Air Force Base

Newest ISR plane --- from buy-to-fly in 8 months
-- Defense Tech

The End of Sea Power -- USNI

Clues to the UK’s frigate of the future -- Janes

Pension money for Alaska WW II-era Guard cut from spending bill -- McClatchy News

Why The Pirates Hate Mercury -- Strategy Page

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 25, 2009

Without fanfare, the fast-attack submarine Helena has slipped silently out of port in San Diego, bound for a classified mission described by the Navy as "testing of submarine operability and war-fighting capability" in the Arctic Ocean. Photo from L.A. Times

Navy Strategy Changing Along With Arctic Conditions -- The Day

Predictions of big melt shift focus to shipping, oil, submarines' role

Newport, R.I. - Rapidly diminishing sea ice means more ships than ever before will be able to travel through the Arctic, so the Navy is going to use an “Arctic road map” to navigate the new national security challenge.

The Navy's Task Force Climate Change will give Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead the road map next week, describing the changing conditions in the Arctic and what it means for future Navy operations.

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UTC eyes 30 percent F-35 fighter engine cost drop -- Reuters

Italy Could Scale Back F-35 Facility
-- Aviation Week

Unanswered questions for the F-35 and Israel -- ELP Defens(c)e

China army parade may give clue to new missiles -- Reuters

South Korea Negative on Joining US Missile Shield -- Korea Times

IAF strength just one-third of China's: IAF chief -- Times Of India

Mullen Wants Females on Subs -- Defense Tech

Aboard the 'INS Dolphin' -- Jerusalem Post

Weapons not included in UK Trident pledge -- Scotsman

NNSA Announces Equivalent of More Than 15,000 Nuclear Weapons of Russian HEU Eliminated -- NNSA

Porky defense bill headed for Senate vote -- Washington Examiner opinion

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 24, 2009

U.S. Air Force Officials Release Predator Accident Report -- Defense Professionals

LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. | An MQ-1 Predator flying a mission in support of Operation Enduring Freedom lost contact with its ground control station and presumably crashed in a forward operating area May 13, according to an Air Combat Command accident investigation board report released Sept. 22 here.

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Army Wants Ideas on Future Wars -- DoD Buzz

Royal Navy’s 6000 ton Patrol Boat -- New Wars

Did Obama Force Gates to Cut the Pentagon Budget? -- The Danger Room

Stealthy F-35 Sensor To Fly On Avenger UAV -- Defense Tech

Iranian Military Planes Crashes in Annual Parade -- Defense News

Great news for USMC air, the Yankee and the Zulu -- ELP Defens(c)e Blog

China .... After 600 Years… -- Strategy Page

Air Chief Marshal says India's aircraft strength is inadequate -- Defense Professionals

Obama Stands Behind ‘State Secrets’ in Spy Case -- Threat Level

USAF Demands Italy Lay Off Colonel in CIA Milan Caper -- CQ Politics

Korean war rifles sold back to US -- BBC

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 23, 2009


F-22 Pilot Perspective -- Code One Magazine

Those few pilots favored with the opportunity to fly the F-22 Raptor quickly become comfortable with the aircraft’s unique characteristics. They talk casually about aircraft handling qualities at airspeeds and angles of attack that would make any other fighter spin out of controlled flight. In the same conversation, they describe outstanding handling qualities at supersonic speeds and regularly running chase aircraft out of gas. The F-22 is an impressive aircraft at both ends of the flight envelope. In this first of a series of articles of pilot impressions on the F-22, Paul Metz takes the high speed end of the F-22 flight envelope and Jon Beesley takes the low speed end.

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Hat Tip: ELP Defens(c)e Blog


Navy eyes Ospreys as COD replacements -- Navy Times

American Tanker Follies Resume -- Strategy Page

USAF still seeking retirement authority for 'worst-performing' C-5As -- Flight Global

Pentagon Auditors Fail to Effectively Oversee Contractors: Investigators -- Defense News

Rolls-Royce fighting to stop Barack Obama axing $50bn fighter deal
-- Times Online

Technology From Lockheed, Raytheon Now on the Radar
-- Wall Street Journal

Harpoon III Loss a Blow to US Market Position -- Defense Talk

LCS Near Selection -- Defense Tech

The Navy After Next Pt 1, Pt 2 -- New Wars

Canadian Counter-IED Task Force shares and seeks info
-- Defense Professionals

First Woman Ascends to Top Drill Sergeant Spot -- New York Times

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 22, 2009

Recruiting Ad For the U.S. Marines


A Smarter Army Mod Plan? -- DoD Buzz

There's Concern, but Where's the Action? (Cyber War-fare) -- Defense Tech

Army chief General Sir David Richards says ships and jets no longer the answer -- The Guardian

Scrapping UK carrier contract to cost £2bn -- This Is Money

Experts: WTO Case Could Last for Years After KC-X Award -- Defense News

The Navy After Next Pt 1 -- New Wars

U.S. Air Force’s “Failure of Imagination” -- War Is Boring

US Defense Chief Defends New Missile Program -- Voice of America

China says military arsenal comparable with West -- AP

Silver Star awarded to SGT Israel Garcia -- Black Five

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 21, 2009

The Cormorant Story (Hat Tip: ELP Defens(c)e Blog)


F-35 vs Super Hornet – Canada -- ELP defens(c)e Blog

The end of an era: the closing of the Canadian Fighter Pilots Association -- Enterprise Bulletin

Israel Real Missile Defense Focus -- DoD Buzz

A generation 4.5 fighter for the 2020s -- Ares Blog/Aviation Week

China and Russia naval drill -- Information Dissemination

New camouflage uniforms -- Strategy Page

GAO Warns of Security Lapses at Foreign Research Reactors -- Global Security Newswire

France Creates Office for Economic Intel -- Defense News

Ignatius proposes “A New Deal for The CIA” – perhaps they should sometimes obey our laws -- Fabius Maximus

Center to Put Faces With Vietnam Names --

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