Sunday, September 27, 2009

News Updates On Iran's Nuclear Program -- September 27, 2009

President Barack Obama disclosed that Iran has been developing a second uranium enrichment facility near the holy city of Qom Photo: REUTERS

Robert Gates: Iranians Intend To Develop Nuclear Weapons -- Jerusalem Post

"The Iranians have the intention of having nuclear weapons," US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has said.

In an interview with ABC to be aired Sunday, Gates added that "the question of whether they have made a formal decision to move towards the development of nuclear weapons is in doubt."

"This is part of a pattern of deception and lies on the part of the Iranians from the very beginning with respect to their nuclear program," he said. "So it's no wonder that world leaders think that they have ulterior motives that they have a plan to go forward with nuclear weapons."

Read more ....


Gates: Secret nuke site puts Iran in `bad spot' -- AP
Turkish PM to visit Iran over nuclear dispute -- AFP
Iran vows not to stop nuclear activities "even for a short time" -- China View
Iran vows to stick with low-level nuclear enrichment -- AFP
US to Demand Inspection of New Iran Plant ‘Within Weeks’ -- New York Times
Iran Pressured Over New Plant -- Washington Post
Disclosure of nuclear plant adds to Iran rift -- L.A. Times
Iran to Allow IAEA Inspectors into Nuclear Plant -- Voice of America
World Powers to Demand 'Unfettered Access' to Iran Nuclear Site -- Voice of America
US welcomes Iran inspection offer -- Al Jazeera
Obama: Iran Must Face Responsibilities Over Nuclear Issue -- U.S. Department of Defense
Obama Offers Iran Dialogue, Stresses International Cooperation -- Voice of America
Israel: Iranian Nuclear Disclosure Proof It Seeks Atom Bomb -- Voice of America
The Perils of an Israeli Airstrike on Iran -- Times Online


A crucial asset uncovered -- Sydney Morning Herald
Revelation increases the pressure on Ahmadi-Nejad's divided regime -- Financial Times
Secret Nuclear Plant Exposed: What Can Be Done About Iran Now? -- FOX News
Unlocking Iran's Secret Nuclear Plans -- Times Online
Discovering Iran's secret nuclear plant has wiped off Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's smile -- The Telegraph
ANALYSIS / How many more secret nuke sites does Iran have? -- Haaretz
China is the Key to Unlocking Iran -- The Times editorial
Beware of Iranians Bearing Talks -- Ray Takeyh, Washington Post

My Comment: To put it bluntly ..... this nuclear plant is not being built for generating electricity. The question now is .... what will the U.S., Israel, and the international community do about it.

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