Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nigeria's Peace Plan in Its Oil Rich Regions Falling Apart

Delta Farce: Nigeria's Oil Mess -- Wall Street Journal

Squabbling Rebels, Corruption Cast Doubt on Peace Plan

THE NIGER DELTA, Nigeria -- Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua unveiled an offer in June for rebels to turn in their weapons in exchange for amnesty. Militant leader Ateke Tom watched the news conference on a flat-panel TV at his remote camp deep in this oil-rich expanse of wetlands.

"We want to observe the government's moves before coming out," Mr. Tom said a few days later in an interview at his outpost. Outside his concrete residence, young men in camouflage tank tops watched American movies and smoked marijuana in cigar-size joints, their AK-47s lying in the mud beside them.

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My Comment: With oil reserves that are worth approximately $3 trillion dollars in today's markets, Nigerians still cannot get their act together.

Tribalism and ethnic differences, coupled with greed, corruption, and extreme poverty .... Nigeria has in place all the ingredients for continued conflict and war. Nigeria's peace plans are just that .... plans .... and with no means to enforce it one can only assume that Nigeria's low level conflicts will continue and only interrupted by major military interventions when things start to get out of control.

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