Sunday, September 6, 2009

Oil Find In The Gulf Of Mexico Has Implications On What Are The World's True Oil Reserves

World's Deepest Well Taps Giant Oil Find -- Energy Daily

BP's announcement of a new giant oil field in the depths of the U.S. waters of the Gulf of Mexico and a series of other recent major finds offshore are setting the stage for geopolitical shifts in Central and South America but also raising key questions about the future map of world oil supplies, analysts said.

The global oil supply scene in particular is up for a dramatic review after recent finds not only in Latin America but also in Asia, Africa and Greenland and potentially large onshore gas finds in the Netherlands. This is because the finds all but cancel out a lot of recent theorizing about "peak oil" -- finite hydrocarbon resources -- and expert prognoses that the end is nigh for the world's oil bonanza.

A BP spokesperson told United Press International the Gulf of Mexico find resulted from the deepest well ever dug into Earth.

Read more ....

My Comment: So many of our geo-political problems stem from our dependence on oil. Finds like this one makes us realize that we do have the oil deposits that can be exploited to help us become less dependent on countries like Iran, Venezuela, and Russia.

Unfortunately, U.S. policy .... as well as the policy of other countries .... forbids offshore oil drilling outright, or with restrictions that does not make it economically feasible to even consider it.


shthar said...

Which means that after we use all of Iran, Venezuela, and Russias oil we'll still have all that offshore oil to use.

WNU Editor said...

Thank you Shthar for your comment.

I sometimes use that argument myself .... unfortunately, the real world does not work like that.